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What is Calorie Deficit?

With the new year usually come the new year resolutions; eat better, lose weight, get toned etc. We are giving you the ultimate method to lose weight and keep it off! Crash diet? No! Cut out carbs? No! Work out excessively? No! The correct method is by creating a calorie deficit. What is that and how to do it one may ask. Read on.

A calorie deficit is burning more calories than you eat.

The daily intake deducted by the calorie outake should lead to a calorie deficit in order to lose weight effectively.

A deficit is created by reducing calorie input (what you eat) or burning off excess calories (physical activity) or the best possible way a combination of the two.

Let’s look at the maths. 1 pound or 450 grams of fat is 3500 calories. So to lose 450 grams, you need to be in a deficit of 3500 calories.

The consistent way to burn the 3500 calories in a week would be to be in a deficit of 500 calories/day [500x7=3500]. You could do this by reducing calorie intake by 200 and increasing daily physical activity by 300; ride a bike, go for a jog, do squats while watching tv, yoga, You need 45 minutes to an hour of physical activity. Physical activity speeds up the metabolism which in turn helps in burning fat.

So, to sum up restricting food or food groups, excessively working out are not effective long term solutions. The most effective method guaranteed to show results is by creating a calorie deficit. Remember, be patient, be kind, be empathetic and be consistent.

Tips on how to create a calorie deficit without counting calories:

1. Prioritize protein in every meal

2. Eat whole, nutrient dense foods and limit foods with low nutritional value (processed foods)

3. Drink 2-3 litres of water

4. Have zero calorie drinks (Black coffee, green tea, water)

5. Strength train 3 times/week

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